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Latest Reviews

You can tell that this is the culmination of many iterations, with meaningful features that appear to be community-driven, which is nice. After finishing Jordan Peterson's Future Authoring program, this system does very well in measuring your progress over time, as he recommends. You can tell, by following the tutorials, that the system has many books weaved throughout the various components. The structure of a sort of OKRs for your personal life is an education in itself. TLDR: definitely give it a go and stick with it.
I'd like to be more productive somehow and see if this community is for me.
It's fantastic to be a member of a community that focuses on personal development and encourages people to share their experiences, expertise, and ideas.
Martin Rottensteiner
To be more productive, to make productive, like minded friends, possibly get an accountability buddy, and have some help with the gamify your life notion page.
I am almost 30, and while I have a good job, and an amazing family, I often find myself unmotivated and unfocused. I joined the group to find others to help me in developing a system that works for me, and to find accountability partners that can help develop it further.
I would like to join a community of like-minded, tight-knit individuals who are also on their journey of selfimprovement through the gamifcation of their life!
Thank you again, Conrad, for getting on the call with me and walking me through the different features on the Be Intentional template. Setting up the someday/maybe view in the success plan and using the web clipper for capturing content in the knowledge hub will definitely help me stay organized and less scattered. It was also very eye-opening to hear about your workflow. I look forward to learning from and growing with the community!
Jonathan L
Im a UX Designer based in Cancun México and I love the idea of interacting with and being a part of a co-creator community like Co-x3.
I learned about Make Work Fun. I love the philosophy and would love to contribute in any way I know or will know.
Jeff Louie
I just completed the Tutorial Island after a few days! I'm really excited to start hustling.
For long I have journeyed alone. I know the journey of life is one of the unknown but what make it interesting is to find people who you can collaborate with to travel and grow together.
Kenny Ajero
It started with a Youtube video that led me to join the community.
Jardel Brandon
The community has inspired me to have a consistent and organized life without feeling overwhelmed.
Wilson Komala
I joined because I want to be a part of an accountable community.
Hey Conrad,Thank you for overdelivering and adding value to the community your building. I’m really interested in building a community for artist and producers, and I appreciate your way of communicating your values.
Ryan Lisse
I am definitely blown away by what you have done with the API, and it is genuinely awesome!
Thank you so much for this, Conrad. I'm so grateful for you, your team, and everything you've done to help others. You're truly living intentionally!
I love the idea of this community applying the gamification experience to learning and productivity.
I found you guys from Notion template I always wanted this kind of productive online community as I want to become digital nomad. I joined many offline community so far because I believed people to be great motivators especially when you share values and common goals. Thus, I didn’t hesitate to join Co-x3.
Thank you Conrad... It works like a charm... I just wanna say, thank you making this notion template, I know you hear it all the time, but you literally transformed my life and made me more productive than I ever was... This template holds me accountable for everything I do... Its time to level up, talk soon😁
Dewansh Jain
I'd like to make the most of my time and reach my full potential. And I'm interested to see what Co-x3 has planned for me.
I'm loving using the Gamification Project as a roadmap for my own Gamification set up that I had wanted to do. That's how I discovered you guys. I'd love to play along with everyone and I'd also like to potentially contribute to your work if I have anything that could be of added value. I think it's amazing what you're doing for people.
I’m super new to Notion but I’m loving it. Your collaboration project is such a gift! Thank you and your team for the positive impact you all are having. 🤙🌻👍