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We do our absolute best to create quality systems to help our family live our best life. If you enjoy what we do, help spread the word by sharing our content on social media, and leave us feedback - we appreciate it!

Latest Reviews

I joined the community because I wanted to meet other people who are pursuing their goals and objectives, and we could help and learn from one other.
I am in the processing of studying your L-ctrl and I really love it! I can't wait to join this community to grow up with you guys!
Also, I watched (and still watching) the Office Hours Friday and just wanted to say that I am loving this series. I'm hoping I can join next time! Keep up the good work
Brian Liew
Thank you so much Conrad for all your time, you are incredible and I am so glad that I found your L-Ctrl system, I enjoy using it so much! I am so glad that you are so readily approachable, after chatting with you today, I am now able to get back to clearing my quests, albeit a lot more happily because the relations are no longer weirdly linked, and I have so many new projects in your toolbox to look forward to!
Sylvia Koh
I love the idea of this community. I am actually the founder of a non profit hackathon community that create coding events all over the world (neuralworks.group). I also love meeting new people through communities. An example of this could be through Hestia Academy, a self learning academy that I participate in, where we help each other learn and create interesting projects! Finally, I am addicted to productivity.
I am so impressed by what you have built and I would like to commune with other people who appreciate the hard work that has gone into this project and perhaps get additional ideas of how to tailor it better to myself.
I love the project. It has always been a dream of mine to gamify my life like this.
I am starting out as an entrepreneur and looking for a community of like minded people to mutually support one another. I randomly came across your page when searching for advice on how to fix something in notion and got excited to find out that communities like this exist!
Catriona aka Kasia Furlong
I joined because I want to hack my brain and understand myself a lot more. With the systems they offer, it’s tough to just disregard it.
It was easy for me to understand and complete, and Tutorial Island was a breeze. I had a great time choosing a class and participating in quests. Overall, I liked what I did, and I believe the system will benefit me as a gamer. I loved the idea of teaching people about the system by using a "Runescape"-like Tutorial Island. It was a lot of fun to complete each activity and be rewarded for it. Thank you so much for making this template a reality. I'm confident that it will help a significant number of people become more productive and spend less time procrastinating.
Aldan Murray
This community brings so much to the table ❤️ I appreciate everyone's hard work! You truly make us feel like we can accomplish our goals, no matter what our skill set is. We build each other up.
Lifelong learner interested in productivity, PKM, and community and I was referred by Nadine through the Obsidian Discord to join.
Lee Herman
Everything is fantastic. I haven't joined the community yet, but it's one of my backlogged tasks, so I'll be leveling up and joining the group soon!
Mr. Bojangles
Oh my God! This is the best application of notion!!! I'm so excited that I found it. You are my hero.
Roman S.
I'm in desperate need of motivation. Joining a productive community(co-x3) helps me stay on track because my concentration and motivation have recently been non-existent.
I've been looking for a productivity community for a long time, and I hope I've finally found it!
Claudia Gutierrez Garcia
I joined the family in the hopes of creating a Chinese version of the [gamify your life] template. :)
This is amazing!
I have started going through the Be Intentional, setting up my goals and tasks etc. and I am impressed with all the options that are included. A lot of work yet left to do for me to set it all up, but I am looking forward to the progress as well as the impact I am sure it will have on my life. Thank you Conrad Lin and company for the awesome work you put into it :)
Heidi Enderslev
I finally entered because I want to make a change in my life. I'm about to apply to universities in the United States (assuming I'm accepted, of course), thus I want to make the most of the time I have before it is too late. I'm from Brazil, and I'd like to meet people that share my beliefs and are looking for a sense of purpose and motivation.
This notion template is super innovative! Thanks for creating it (I'm sure it took a lot of effort), and thanks for sharing it with the rest of the world :D
Co-x3 is a great community for people passionate about self-improvement and growth. As a UX Design major, I love the gamification project and the website/Notion templates. The community is full of talented individuals who are committed to personal growth. Highly recommend.
Emma Thomas
Impressed by the Gamification and I want to find more by joining this community.
Hi Conrad, First off, thanks so much for all the work you're doing! It's absolutely incredible.
Karen Nemeth